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About Us

Welcome to our shop! We are David and Kristie and we are the owners of Custom Smiles Inc. Our company is a family run, 2 1/2 man show based out of Harrison, NY. David and I design and print all of our own merchandise in our home shop, with a little help from our 6 year old son (when he want's to earn video game time!).

Custom Smiles was initially created in 2010 by David to sell his hand made wire wrapped jewelry and other pieces of art. In 2018 David and I met and started creating together. Within a few months Custom Smiles, Inc. was born as was our relationship! We immediately decided we were going to give this our all and invested in a bunch of machines which we had no idea how to use. There were many materials sacrificed along the way and a whole lot of trial and error. We were both working at our full time jobs, coming home, taking care of our son, staying up all night to work and then doing it all over the next day. Despite being exhausted we started listing our designs on etsy and it took off, fast!

Over the last two years Custom Smiles has grown so much more than David and I could have ever imagined. We made over 8,000 online and in person sales. became a top selling shop on etsy and received over 4,700 5 Star Ratings. We have designed, produced and managed merchandise lines for bands, large facebook groups and vended several different shows and festivals. All of which has given us the opportunity to make amazing friends and connections along the way that have helped fuel our growth.

In our shop you will find a wide range of services and products, a Featured Artists column below where we will feature 3 of our most inspiring artists every month and testimonials from our customers. Our services and products include Graphic Design, Visual Art, Merchandise production/management, Sublimation Printing, Vinyl Decals, Die Cut Stickers, Embroidery, Wire Wrapped Jewelry, Custom Printing on Clothing, Accessories, Home Décor, Glassware and so much more. We have also added a new section of our shop allowing our customers to completely personalize and design their own merchandise. For bulk orders or other inquiries please reach out to us by using our chat now button on the bottom right corner of your screen or by emailing us at Customsmiles27@gmail.com. Thank you for visiting our shop and continuing to help us grow!

- Kristie and David